Apply This Magic Pattern To Help You Understand the Guitar Much Better (For All Guitar Players) beginner chords music theory tricks and hacks Jul 24, 2023



Are you ready to unlock a magic pattern that will revolutionize the way you think about the guitar neck and music in general? Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, this pattern will significantly improve your understanding of the instrument. In this blog post, we...

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Weird Trick to Instant Chords in Any Key - For Learning & Writing Songs chords music theory tricks and hacks Jul 20, 2023



Learning and writing songs on the guitar can be an exciting but challenging endeavor. One of the key aspects to master is understanding chord progressions and how they relate to the key of the song. In this blog post, we'll explore a unique technique I call the "L7 pattern"...

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Playing Guitar By Ear is 80% Music Theory ear training music theory Jul 19, 2023


Playing guitar by ear is a skill that many aspiring guitarists strive to achieve. The ability to listen to a song and accurately reproduce it on the guitar without the need for sheet music or tabs is often seen as a mark of true musicianship. However, for many guitarists, playing by ear...

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Why Are You Making the Guitar SO Hard? capo chords music theory Nov 08, 2019


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Learning to play the guitar can be a challenging journey, especially when faced with songs that have complex chord progressions. However, there is a simple secret that can transform the way you approach these difficult songs. By...

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