Today is all about Guitar Bends. Get ready for an electrifying lesson all about one of the most expressive techniques in guitar playing: string bending! Today, we’re diving into how to make your guitar sing, scream, and cry with emotion, just like the pros do. In this video, you'll gain access...
Today I'm going to show you how to master any song quickly in a way that's unforgettable and indispensable. This four step method, which I've used for decades to teach tens of thousands of songs, is designed to help you learn quickly and effectively. From my YouTube tutorials to one-on-ones to vi...
Welcome to 4 Fret Blues Guitar! In over 40 years of playing and teaching guitar, I have never found anything that even comes close to being as easy and powerful as this! Once you truly understand what I will show you in this video, the 4 fret section of your guitar that I demonstrate will serve...
Today, let's talk about how to Make Guitar Easy. Whether you're a beginner dealing with finger pain and hand fatigue, or a player returning to the guitar after a break, I have some exciting news for you! Today I'm going to share nine hacks that will make playing guitar much easier. Try all nine. ...
Today I'm going to share with you the 7 best guitar apps that are absolute must-haves for anyone looking to practice and learn how to play guitar. These apps are intuitive, super powerful, and will transform your playing if you allow them to. I'll cover each one of them for just about a minute or...
In this lesson, I share my perspective on why learning guitar over 40 is actually more advantageous than beginning at a younger age. I highlight the mental stimulation and cognitive benefits that learning an instrument can bring, especially for brain health and neuroplasticity. Playing guitar als...
In this video, I’m diving into the CAGED chord system and showing you how it can transform your guitar playing by giving you access to a wide range of chord possibilities and improving your lead guitar skills. If you’re not familiar, the CAGED system uses five basic open major chords—C, A, G, ...
Today, I'm diving into the 13 scariest guitar riffs of the 60's, 70's, and 80's! Hands down, scientifically proven, and guaranteed to scare the ever loving bejesus out of you! Just in time for Halloween. If you love rock music, these are just what you are looking for. Plus, right after I play eac...