How to Prepare for Your First Live Gig on Guitar

playing live Aug 11, 2023



Playing live music in front of an audience is a thrilling experience that every musician dreams of. However, it can also be nerve-wracking, especially for those stepping onto the stage for the first time. To help you make the most of your first live gig and ensure a smooth performance, here are seven top tips to assure a smoother live gig.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice:

It may sound like a cliché, but there is no substitute for extensive practice. The key is to practice diligently and repeatedly until you know your set inside out. Whether it's playing your instrument, singing, or both, practice should be done “backward and forward, even blindfolded”. This way, WHEN the nerves kick in on stage, you'll be well-prepared and confident in your abilities.

2. Craft a Detailed Setlist:

A well-structured setlist is essential for a smooth live performance, especially when playing with other musicians. Plan the sequence of songs, including transitions, pauses, and any special cues. Communicate and rehearse with your band members to ensure everyone is on the same page. Having a solid setlist will minimize confusion and create a seamless flow during your performance.

3. Coordinate with the Venue:

Before the big day, get in touch with the venue or the event organizer to clarify the equipment they provide and what you need to bring. Confirm the availability of PA systems, microphones, cables, amps, and any other necessary gear. Understanding the venue's setup will allow you to prepare appropriately and avoid any last-minute surprises.

4. Prepare Your Gear:

Nothing disrupts a live gig more than equipment malfunctions. Ensure all your gear is in top condition, including your instrument, strings, pedals, cables, and accessories. Bring spare strings and cables, and check your gear thoroughly before heading to the venue. Having everything well-prepared will save you from unnecessary stress and technical difficulties during the show.

5. Conduct a Dress Rehearsal:

Dress rehearsals are invaluable for refining your performance and getting the feel of the live gig. Ideally, schedule at least one dress rehearsal, preferably a week before the actual show. During the rehearsal, run through the entire setlist without stopping, just as you would on stage. This will help you anticipate any potential issues and improve your overall stage presence. 

6. Manage Pre-Show Nerves:

Feeling nervous before a live performance is completely normal and even experienced musicians face it. Instead of letting nerves overwhelm you, channel that energy in a positive way. Engage in physical activities like running or push-ups to release excess adrenaline. Breathing exercises and meditation can also help calm your mind and focus your energy before taking the stage. 

7. Embrace Mistakes and Let It Go:

Mistakes are inevitable in live performances. However, how you handle them will make all the difference. Remember that even the most accomplished artists make errors during their shows. The key is to remain composed, stay in the moment, and keep going. Chances are, most of the audience won't notice minor slip-ups, and their focus will be on your overall performance and energy.


Preparing for your first live gig is an exhilarating journey filled with excitement and nerves. By following these seven essential tips, you'll be well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way. Remember, preparation is the key to success, so practice diligently, plan your setlist, coordinate with the venue, rehearse thoroughly, manage pre-show nerves, and embrace mistakes. Most importantly, enjoy the experience and let your passion for music shine through on stage. With these tips, your first live gig is bound to be a memorable and successful one. Good luck!


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