How To Easily Memorize All the Notes on the Guitar Fretboard

music theory tricks and hacks Sep 25, 2023



The ability to memorize all the notes on the guitar fretboard is a crucial skill for any guitarist. Yet, many struggle with this seemingly daunting task. In this blog post, we will present a quick and effective method to help you effortlessly memorize the entire fretboard. By understanding just two key concepts and using simple associations, you'll be well on your way to mastering the fretboard.

Two Essential Concepts:

1. **The Benchmark**: To start, you need a point of reference. The open strings on the guitar serves as our benchmark. They are as follows, from the thickest to the thinnest string: E, A, D, G, B, and E (again). A fun phrase to remember them is "Eddie Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie." This benchmark gives us a foundation to work from.

2. **The Musical Alphabet**: The second concept is understanding the musical alphabet, which comprises the notes A through G.  Also, every note has a sharp except for the notes B and E.  To recall this easily, think of the famous song "Let It Be" for B and E.

The Process:

Let's apply these concepts to the A and E strings to give you a practical understanding of how to navigate the entire fretboard.

**A String**: Starting with the open A string, we know it is an A because it is one of the open strings. Now, since every note except B and E has a sharp, when we press down on the first fret, we get an A# (A sharp). The sequence continues: B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, and then, when we reach the twelfth fret, we encounter another A (which is one octave higher than the open A).

**E String**: Similarly, let's explore the open E string. Plucking it produces an E note. Moving to the first fret gives us an F, the second fret is F#, the third fret is G, and so on. Once again, when we reach the twelfth fret, we find another E (one octave higher).

The Importance of Octaves:

Understanding octaves is key to comprehending the fretboard's structure. An octave is the interval between two notes with the same name but different pitch. When you fret a note at the twelfth fret, it is the same note as the open string, but in a higher register. This concept applies to all strings and allows you to identify notes across the fretboard more efficiently.

Practice and Visualization:

To internalize this knowledge, practice identifying notes on different strings using the benchmarks and musical alphabet. Visualize the patterns and relationships between notes, which will enhance your memory retention.


Mastering the guitar fretboard may seem like a daunting task, but with a clear strategy and a bit of practice, it becomes an achievable goal. By focusing on the benchmark of open strings and the musical alphabet(A-G) having sharps, with only two exceptions (B and E), you can quickly navigate the entire fretboard. Regular practice, along with visualization and association techniques, will solidify this knowledge and enhance your guitar playing significantly. So, pick up your guitar, apply these principles, and watch your fretboard proficiency sharpen!


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