ALTERNATE Picking vs ECONOMY Picking - Which is Better?

picking tricks and hacks Jul 23, 2024


Hey there, fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, I want to dive into a topic that often sparks debates among players: alternate picking versus economy picking. Is one better than the other? When and where should you use each technique? These are the questions we'll unravel together. So, let's break down the definitions and intricacies of alternate picking and economy picking, exploring the nuances that make them unique. By the end of this blog post, you'll have a clear understanding of when to employ each technique to elevate your playing.

Defining the Techniques:

First things first, let's establish the definitions of alternate picking and economy picking. Alternate picking is a strict down-up picking pattern, where each note is played with a downstroke followed by an upstroke. It's straightforward and widely accessible, making it a go-to for many players. On the other hand, economy picking follows the same down-up pattern but introduces efficiency into the mix. The idea is to maintain the down-up picking unless there's a specific reason to deviate, emphasizing smoother string transitions for increased efficiency.

When to Choose Alternate Picking:

Alternate picking shines in scenarios where speed isn't the primary concern, and simplicity is the key. For beginners or players tackling passages at a moderate pace, alternate picking allows for a straightforward down-up motion that doesn't require complex pattern thinking. Starting phrases with a down pick, it provides a comfortable and intuitive approach to playing melodies. It's the ideal choice when speed is not the top priority, and you want to focus on the musicality of your performance.

However, alternate picking has its limitations when it comes to playing at high speeds. Even proficient players may find it challenging to achieve super-fast speeds using strict alternate picking. It involves more motion, especially when transitioning between strings, which can hinder the fluidity needed for rapid passages.

The Motion Challenge:

To understand the limitations of alternate picking, let's delve into the motion challenge it presents. Imagine playing a G Major scale with strict alternate picking. Each downstroke followed by an upstroke creates a motion that, when played fast, can become a hindrance. The pick gets stuck between strings, requiring extra motion to navigate between them. This motion challenge poses a barrier to achieving blazing speeds, as demonstrated by even the fastest alternate-picking players.

When to Opt for Economy Picking:

Economy picking becomes the superhero in the realm of speed and efficiency. The core concept is to leverage the down-up motion but maintain it when transitioning to a string below, avoiding unnecessary pick movement. This technique is particularly beneficial when consecutive notes are on adjacent strings, allowing for a smooth, economical flow.

Imagine playing the same G Major scale using economy picking. The down-up-down motion is maintained, but when moving to the next string below, the pick continues its downward motion. This saves valuable milliseconds by eliminating the need to lift the pick and move it upward for an upstroke. It's a subtle adjustment that, when mastered, significantly contributes to playing passages at faster tempos.

A Practical Exercise:

To internalize the difference, let's engage in a practical exercise. Consider a simple down-up-down pattern on a single string. With alternate picking, you'd find your pick stuck between strings, requiring an upward motion to transition to the next string. However, with economy picking, the pick seamlessly continues its downward motion to the next string, optimizing efficiency.

Now, let's apply this concept to a broader scale – pun intended. Think of a three-note-per-string major scale. Alternate picking introduces a change in the down-up pattern when transitioning between strings, creating a potential hurdle for speed. In contrast, economy picking maintains the pattern, facilitating a smoother, faster execution.

Practical Takeaways:

So, what's the takeaway from this exploration of alternate picking versus economy picking? It boils down to choosing the right technique for the musical context. If you're working on slower passages or intricate melodies, alternate picking might be the natural choice due to its simplicity and ease of execution.

However, when speed becomes the focal point, especially in faster-paced solos or intricate runs, consider incorporating economy picking. Work on optimizing your pick's motion to glide effortlessly between strings, ultimately enhancing your overall playing speed. The key lies in adapting your picking technique to the demands of the musical passage.


In the grand tapestry of guitar playing, alternate picking and economy picking are invaluable tools, each with its strengths and applications. As you embark on your journey to master these techniques, remember that versatility is key. Train your hands to seamlessly switch between alternate and economy picking based on the musical context.

Experiment with both techniques, analyze their applications in various scenarios, and incorporate them into your practice routine. Whether you're serenading with melodic phrases or unleashing lightning-fast solos, the mastery of alternate picking and economy picking will undoubtedly enhance your playing prowess.

So, fellow guitar enthusiasts, let's continue pushing the boundaries of our playing, exploring the intricacies of these techniques, and unlocking new dimensions of musical expression. May your strings resonate with the sweet sounds of mastery and innovation. Until next time, keep strumming and picking!


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