5 Levels of Major Arpeggios

arpeggios beginner Aug 04, 2023

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For any aspiring lead guitarist, mastering arpeggios is a crucial skill that opens the door to numerous musical possibilities. Among the many arpeggios, the major arpeggio stands out as an essential foundation for soloing and understanding the guitar neck. In this blog post, we will delve into the A major arpeggio, based on the C major shape, exploring different levels of complexity and picking techniques to enhance your playing. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced guitarist, mastering the arpeggios will elevate your playing and pick control to new heights.

Level One: Understanding the Major Arpeggio

An arpeggio is essentially a chord broken down into individual notes. The A major arpeggio consists of the 1st (root), 3rd, and 5th notes of the A major scale. To play this arpeggio, position your fingers at the 9th fret and follow the tab for level 1. Starting with a downstroke, play each note individually (1-3-5) in a loop. This exercise helps you internalize the arpeggio's structure and sound, setting the foundation for more complex patterns.

Level Two: Adding Complexity with Triplets

In level two, we introduce rhythmic complexity by playing the arpeggio in triplets (1-2-3-4-5-6). Begin with a sweeping motion across the first three strings. Remember to start with a downstroke for consistency. Practice this pattern slowly, focusing on accuracy and clean picking. Gradually increase your speed while maintaining clarity in your playing.

Level Three: Incorporating the Fourth String

Expanding further, level three introduces the fourth string, resulting in eight notes (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8). Execute a series of downstrokes as you sweep across the first four strings. The goal is to maintain a fluid motion, enhancing your ability to sweep smoothly across the strings. This technique is more efficient than alternate picking for arpeggios and can lead to greater speed and precision.

Level Four: Doubling Up on the Notes

In level four, we keep the same finger positions but double up on some notes to maintain an even pattern. Pay close attention to the provided tab for specifics. This exercise involves sweeping up to the first string and then back down to the second string, playing certain notes twice.  Concentrate on proper picking technique, as this will lay the groundwork for faster execution.

Level Five: Introducing the Sixth String

Finally, level five incorporates the sixth string, starting on the third of the chord (3-5-1-3-5). This position creates an inversion, with the starting note below the root.  The first 6 notes of this arpeggio will all be downstrokes.  Take your time, practicing at a slow and controlled pace before gradually increasing speed.


Mastering the major arpeggio is a significant milestone for any lead guitarist. It not only enhances your soloing capabilities but also improves your understanding of the guitar neck and develops essential pick control skills. By diligently practicing each level, you will build a strong foundation and elevate your playing to new heights. Remember to focus on accuracy and clarity before increasing your speed, as clean playing is the key to achieving greater proficiency. So, pick up your guitar, embrace the challenge, and start unlocking the potential of the major arpeggio! Happy practicing!

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