3 Tips for Older Newbie Guitar Players

beginner May 14, 2024

Greetings to my fellow seasoned souls embarking on the exciting journey into the world of guitar playing! As someone who has witnessed the challenges and triumphs of older beginners, I'm here to share three invaluable tips that not only aid in your guitar exploration but are specially tailored to the unique experiences of older enthusiasts. Let's dive into the wisdom that comes with age and passion.

1. It's Not You, It's the Guitar

One of the initial hurdles older beginners often face is the realization that playing the guitar is not as straightforward as following a set formula. Unlike the instant gratification of solving a mathematical equation, the guitar is a bit elusive in its nature. The left hand, the right hand – syncing them up feels like solving a magic trick. However, here's the crucial point: every guitarist, including the greats, has faced these challenges. So, when you encounter stumbling blocks, remember this mantra – "It's not you; it's the guitar." Acknowledging this fact empowers you to seek specific techniques to overcome hurdles.

2. Practice Makes Permanent

The age-old adage "practice makes perfect" needs a little tweak – "Practice makes permanent." Dedication to practice is vital, but practicing the right way is even more crucial. Many newcomers dive into playing without a structured approach, potentially leaving gaps in their learning. Seeking good instruction, either online or through books, becomes a key component of effective practice. Furthermore, focus on songs rather than endless scales. While scales are essential, they serve as tools to enhance your ability to play songs. Remember, no one is impressed by a scale; it's the songs and solos that steal the show.

3. Have a Plan for Progression

In the realm of guitar playing, having a plan or progression is akin to charting a course for growth. Consider it as lifting weights at the gym – initially, you experience rapid growth, but without a plan, you risk plateauing. Whether it's following a structured book, online video courses, or even personalized lessons, having a plan ensures continuous improvement. Even if you opt for self-guided learning, set goals for each practice session. Perhaps learn a new chord, or a different scale, or explore a song you haven't played before. The key is to keep pushing yourself forward, always striving for something new.

Parting Words: Constant Growth and Musical Discovery

To my fellow older guitar enthusiasts, embracing the guitar later in life is a testament to your love for music and the desire for continuous growth. It's a journey filled with joy, challenges, and the thrill of mastering a new skill. Remember, age is but a number, and every chord, every song, and every solo you conquer adds to the tapestry of your musical journey.

So, keep strumming, keep practicing, and most importantly, keep discovering the joy that comes with playing the guitar. Whether you're aiming to play a few songs or aspiring for constant growth, these tips are here to guide you on your musical expedition. Happy playing!

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