10 Guitar Practice Routines to Get YOU Out Of That Rut

practice Jun 04, 2024


Feeling stuck in your musical journey is a common experience for every guitarist and musician. Plateaus can be frustrating, but the key is to keep challenging yourself with new practices. In this blog post, I'll share 10 effective ways to break out of that rut and take your playing to new heights.

1. Sight Reading:

Even if you're not a sight reader, incorporating sight reading into your practice routine can be highly beneficial. Understanding basic musical notation helps connect what's on the page to what's happening on the guitar. It stimulates your brain, enhances music theory comprehension, and offers the unique thrill of playing a piece you've never heard before.

2. Improvisation:

Improvisation is like having a conversation with your guitar. It's about responding on the spot and creating musical expressions in real-time. While it might not sound perfect at first, learning to improvise teaches you which notes to play and, equally important, which ones not to. Embrace the learning process and watch the magic unfold.

3. Jamming with Others:

Playing with fellow musicians is where the real magic happens. Jamming with others allows you to exchange ideas, learn new techniques, and gain insights into different playing styles. Whether it's a guitarist, bassist, or drummer, the collaborative experience sharpens your skills and opens your mind to new possibilities.

4. Jam Tracks or Loops:

Utilizing jam tracks or a looper pedal is an excellent way to challenge yourself. Looping a chord progression gives you the freedom to experiment with licks, solos, and songwriting. It enhances your improvisational skills and pushes you to create on the spot.

5. Writing or Noodling:

Set aside time to explore your guitar without any specific goal. Noodling is about letting your creativity flow freely. This practice challenges your brain to come up with something unique out of thin air. It's an essential part of becoming a great guitarist, fostering creativity, and developing your own style.

6. Tablature:

If you're unfamiliar with tablature, it's time to get acquainted. Tablature is an easy-to-understand notation system that provides quick information about where to place your fingers on the fretboard. Whether learning a new song or solo, tablature is a valuable tool for guitarists.

7. Chord Charts:

Move beyond chord lyric charts and explore professional “fakebook” style charts. These charts provide more information on chord changes and timing. Graduating to this level of notation enhances your ability to play with precision and accuracy, crucial for performing with other musicians.

8. DJ Software:

Consider using DJ software like djay2 to enhance your practice sessions. This software allows you to manipulate songs by adjusting speed, pitch, and more. It's a fantastic tool for learning intricate parts of a song and adapting them to your skill level.

9. Repertoire:

Maintain and expand your repertoire of songs. Knowing a variety of songs, especially classics and those that inspired you, is crucial for live performances. Regularly revisiting your repertoire keeps you in the playing zone and ensures you're always ready to impress with a well-known tune.

10. Playing to the Radio:

Challenge yourself by playing along to songs on the radio or your favorite streaming playlist. This practice involves playing by ear, identifying the key, and adapting your playing style to fit the song. It's a liberating experience that enhances your ability to adapt to new musical challenges.


Breaking out of a musical rut requires a willingness to embrace new practices and challenges. Incorporate these 10 ways into your routine, and you'll find yourself growing as a musician, pushing through plateaus, and elevating your playing to new heights. Remember, the more challenging it is, the more you'll gain from it. Keep pushing yourself, and the results will be worth it.


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