Introducing UGS Pro…
A 15-Minute Routine For Mastery Of The Guitar
(And The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need).

The Unstoppable Guitar System Pro is the culmination of my entire life’s work.
It takes my:
- 39 years of experience learning, playing, performing, and recording guitar
- 37 years of teaching thousands of in-person lessons
- 18 years of refining these methods for online instruction
There are two main prongs to this incredible resource…
The Unstoppable Guitar System
The name is apropos, because not only do you get a lifetime of lessons and LIVE support from me, you will literally have all the tools that allow the improving to NEVER stop, all at your behest.
The system is a method that I’ve developed over the last several decades that has an iron-clad, proven track record for thousands of students. Once you are within the course, you will find Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced sections, all built in a step-by-step format that makes it impossible to fail. There are also Intermediate Plus and Advanced Plus sections which feature mini-courses on technique, theory, and everything you could want to learn on the guitar.
Each video and course has supporting documents, tablatures, etc. where necessary to help support you on your journey.
Together with the 365 Guitar Plan (which you will also get in your “library”), you will have over 1000 lessons to keep you UNSTOPPABLE! But, because this was built with MUCH passion and forethought, it’s NOT overwhelming because of the organization and layout of the site. There are even videos that guide you through the program and mini-courses.
So let’s say you wanted to study all about the Nashville Number System, or the Circle of 5ths, or advanced chordal theory…THIS would be the course to do just that.
Think of it as deep-diving into whatever your favorite guitar subjects are. As I write this, it’s almost ridiculous trying to condense what this course offers into a few paragraphs.
You REALLY have to get inside to see what all the hype is about!
The 2nd prong to this LIFETIME of lessons is the...
365 Guitar Plan
This gives you a “zero thinking” practice roadmap which will give you fun daily challenges to quickly upgrade your technique and skills…in 7 focus areas that guitar players are normally challenged with alternate picking, hammer-ons/pull-offs, economy/sweep picking, stretch/reach, modes/scales/sequences, polyphonic playing(chords/intervals/double-stops) and fingerpicking.
Imagine these 7 core areas, each dedicated to ONE day per week. The first week we start off REALLY easy. In the 2nd week we SLIGHTLY turn up the heat, so after 52 weeks of micro-improvements, you will see MASSIVE results at the end of a year. How is that, Erich? Check it! If you only improve 1% per day, after 365 days you will have improved by (1.01)365 or 3778%!!! THAT is how compounding good habits WILL get you where it is that you want to go, and THAT is exactly what the 365 Guitar Plan is all about. And this is ALL possible with just minutes a day.
Think about the two courses this way:
If you are passionate about health, you would need to learn about nutrition, working out, “bio-hacking”, etc. The Unstoppable Guitar System is the course that will teach you all the things about theory, technique, etc. JUST like you would need to understand about health.
HOWEVER, you also need to eat the foods and do the exercises that you learned about. The 365 Guitar Plan is THAT part. Exercises and application that help keep your hands moving and constantly discovering new things.

Hello, my friend!
I’m Erich Andreas, AKA “YourGuitarSage”, online since 2006, and for the past 39 years, I have dedicated my life to teaching the guitar and helping others. Since then, I have taught over 10,000 one-on-one lessons and my online tutorials have garnered more than 150 million views. I have a best-selling book on Amazon and multiple best-selling courses, I have more than 1 million subscribers across my channels and have more than 750,000 enrolled students who have experienced massive breakthroughs with their playing thanks to my online guitar courses.
Why do I tell you all this?
When you entrust someone with something important to you (like YOUR guitar future), it’s important for you to know that they have the years of experience to be the best, the passion to help guarantee YOUR forward momentum, and that they have the track record that they are going to be here for YOU tomorrow.
What my students love about my teaching is that I:
1. Take complex topics and skills, and make them incredibly easy to understand and immediately applicable in a musical way.
2. Cut through the overwhelm and show you exactly what you need to focus on to get the fastest possible results.
3. Share those “oh my god, it’s that simple?!” kinds of shortcuts, ninja-hacks, and visual patterns I’ve discovered - which allow students to quickly gain new skills and map out the entire fretboard.
And I’ve been able to do this all for one BIG reason:
I’ve had years of hands-on experience teaching guitar players with all levels of hand sizes and shapes, ages, experience levels, and musical backgrounds...
(Probably more than any online guitar instructor today).
And because my students all had exams, kids, jobs, and other responsibilities:
I’ve been obsessed with discovering those hidden shortcuts which can quickly upgrade my students’ playing and understanding of the guitar...
Even if they only had just a few minutes to practice each day!
So it’s pretty easy to make bold promises like this with confidence when thousands of students of all skill levels and backgrounds have already proven it can be done!
With ALL those students above, I have NEVER met a willing student who was “unteachable”.
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options

“Erich, the amount of time and effort you have invested in communicating your God given gift to guitar lovers globally will not be forgotten. Your son's legacy is secure as your body of work will live on for generations. Thank you - Love you lots man.”
– Patrick Estwick
“THANK YOU. This has given me an epiphany. So easy now to ‘see’ the chords. Something that had completely eluded me until this course. You are a brilliant teacher!”
– Christine Jump
“Usually over time learning guitar my motivation drops, but this time pennies are dropping left right, and center. My motivation has grown and transformed into a passion I didn't anticipate.”
– Troy Darben
“This course was my last resort before I sold my guitar. It is like I have been set free. Now instead of just knowing HOW I also know WHY things work the way they do. It is like a flood of opportunities to learn new things. My guitar is no longer my taskmaster but an old friend and we are on a long and exciting journey together. Thank you!”
– Mathew Jones
“Oh, Wow! Just when I thought I knew the Circle of 5ths - this chord trick knocked my jaw to the floor 🤯”
– Kweenah d'Knight
“I love the way you are showing us how to make the complex simple. It’s great to take what you’ve shown us and say to yourself ‘Wow, this isn’t as complicated as I thought’. Great stuff!”
– Chris
“What a tremendous 7 note pattern. Close your eyes and fly away with the jam tracks. Amazing!”
– Marcos Z
Now with all of that in mind…
Let’s take a closer look at everything you’ll get with this incredible resource:
UGS Pro:
Essential Beginner Lessons For A Solid Foundation

With these modules, you’ll learn all of THE most important skills needed for a rock-solid foundation with guitar.
Because over the years, whenever a player has come to me with an issue in their playing…
Nine times out of ten the root cause is because they are missing something in their “guitar foundation”.
So by following these lessons you’ll eliminate most frustrating problems and plateaus before they even happen…
Allowing you to experience a lifetime of faster, smoother progress!
Inside these videos, you’ll learn some of my essential foundation-level hacks to make the guitar easier to play while instantly improving the sound of your playing…
Such as:
- The curled knuckle technique to instantly play cleaner sounding chords (this strange “kung fu” exercise will improve your sound in seconds).
- The nine essential guitar chords which will unlock literally hundreds of thousands of songs for you (and when you combine these with a capo - you’ll be able to play along to almost any song ever written).
- How to transition between chords faster and cleaner than ever before by using my “inventory trick” (with this, you’ll only need a fraction of the effort it used to take).
- Exercises to improve your dexterity and hand strength when you can’t play your instrument (this can turn long boring drives into an opportunity for improvement).
- The most widely used chord inversions or “slash chords” that will give you a range of exciting flavors and sounds to choose from to spice up your rhythm playing! (this creates beautiful musical transitions when you use these as “passing chords” in your progressions).
- A beginner-friendly introduction to fingerstyle guitar (this exercise will have you emulating the sound of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica in minutes).
So with these essential lessons for a strong guitar foundation for life - that’s a $199 value you’re getting with this.

“Wow, I learned more tonight than I have in 8 weeks of lessons.”
– Daniel Gordon
“Yay! Thanks to these lessons I’m learning my first song - Chris Stapleton’s Millionaire. Just the 3 chords for now, but that counts! Good practice of your economy of motion principle. This is fun stuff.”
– Peter Albert
“I have made more progress in a few weeks than I have made in many years of hit-and-miss attempts to learn to play the guitar. I have also learned more about music theory in those same few weeks than in 4 years of high school band and a couple of years of piano lessons as an adult.”
– John
“This has been one of my favorite lessons so far. I love how the inversions change the nuance of the song and add a real flavor to the music as a whole. Like adding some seasoning to the steak. I will certainly practice and use these. Thanks, master Erich!”
– Steven Glenn
“Zoning out to the metronome, I feel like I can do this for hours. Thank you! Making huge steps every day.”
– Rich Pineo
UGS Pro:
The Intermediate And Advanced Lessons

Next, you’ll want to tackle the more advanced parts of the course.
These are broken down to focus on chords, scales, technique, and music theory.
With this, you’ll be able to suit the lessons to your current skill level and choose what areas you want to focus on first.
So let’s take a closer look at each section:
Essential Chord Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels)
In these lessons, you'll rapidly expand your knowledge of chords and music theory in a way that allows you to use them instantly while developing your musical ear.
You’ll learn:
- How to find a wide selection of chords on the neck and the theory behind their construction (including major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspended, and power chords).
- How to rapidly map out the entire fretboard in an incredibly simple and visual way (simply by using some basic chord shapes).
- How to form dominant 7th, major 7th, and minor 7th chords for a range of sophisticated sounds.
- And much more!
So by the end of these modules…
You’ll be able to instantly find and play any chord, scale, or arpeggio you’ll ever need…
While developing a deep understanding of how the chords and scales are connected.
Plus, once you unlock your new visual understanding of the fretboard…
You’ll be able to move freely around the neck with ease while improvising…
Experiencing a freedom to express yourself that you never dreamed could be possible!
That’s a $199 value you’re getting with these lessons alone.

“A few days ago, I picked up a song that was full of bar chords and hard to play through. In a matter of minutes, I was able to redesign all the chords in a much more comfortable version, and I felt so powerful and skilled with my guitar that I burst out in a joyful laugh :D So I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to you and your courses, they have been transforming my guitar and musical skills :)”
– Ludwig
“I've played the chords without really understanding the theory behind what I'm doing. Understanding the theory allows me to do it all over the neck and know why I'm doing it. Thank you Erich. Another masterful lesson.”
– Robert Spicer
“I scoured the internet, and found confusing and conflicting information (i.e. wrong). Your explanations are so easy to understand. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”
– Christine Jump
“So cool to finally understand the context behind diminished, augmented, and suspended - 40 years and finally understand the WHY and the HOW (versus just learning the chord eg Asus4)”
– Scott Simmons
“Wow, I am in week three of 365 guitar plan and alongside following the UGS system. Everything is falling into place. Finding out how my guitar works is so much fun. I've never found any course as interesting as this one, thanks a lot Erich!”
– Bob
Essential Scales Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels)
If you want to improvise guitar solos - these lessons will be absolutely essential to you on your journey…
Here you’ll learn:
- One simple pattern to unlock immediate access to all major scales up and down the neck!
- Two more easy visual patterns that give you access to major scales across the entire length and width of the neck - unlocking the entire fretboard!
- A simple approach to solos which will immediately make your playing sound more musical and connected with the backing music.
- A shockingly simple trick to double your creative options when improvising with the pentatonic scales!
- The “adjacent string” trick which will immediately allow you to play all over the guitar neck (even if you can’t name a single note on the fretboard).
- And much much more!
After going through these lessons you’ll be shocked at how quickly and easily you will have mapped out the entire fretboard…
With simple visual patterns that allow you to sidestep the need for music theory or painful memorization!
And you’ll have the lessons needed to turn these scales into melodic solo lines - right from the start.
All in all, this section of UGS Pro is easily worth $199.

“I have two guitar course memberships, and have watched literally hundreds of youtube videos and got more from your scale lessons than anything else I’ve seen.”
– RW.Valentine
“This opened up such a new way to think of major scale across the fretboard. And with a little tweak it opens up the minor scale too! Thanks!”
– Seppo Silvennoinen
“I've been playing three chord guitar for 10 or so years now. Just this morning I started playing some licks from Am to Am pentatonic like you’ve shown in your videos and I couldn't be more excited. Thanks for all your help and your knowledge bomb videos!”
– Brandon Bell
Essential Technique Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels)
Perhaps, more than any other section of UGS Pro - these modules are going to completely open up a new world of creative possibilities for your playing.
You can think of these lessons as a constant stream of rapid “lightbulb” moments…
Each of which will either quickly upgrade the ease with which you play…
Rapidly improve how good you sound when playing…
Or immediately unlock an exciting new sound or “musical toy” for you to explore and play with to your heart's desire.
In this section you’ll learn:
- A collection of “ninja” dexterity exercises that will give you complete control of your fingers - commanding them to effortlessly flow to wherever you need them on the neck.
- How to use “chord noodling” in combination with “lazy chords” to make your rhythm playing sound 10 times more musical and interesting (this will effortlessly upgrade your music theory and fretboard knowledge in an incredibly practical way).
- A string skipping drill that will unlock lightning-fast solo speeds (plus a range of exciting techniques to unlock new sounds such as hybrid picking, “glissando” picking, and “spanking the plank”).
- An incredibly simple way to add “alternating bass lines” into your rhythm playing (making your solo performances sound more interesting and musical).
- How to master the most essential techniques that will add depth, feel, and emotion to every note you play! (plus a range of incredibly fun sound effects you can create with an electric guitar).
So with these powerful lessons that’s easily a $199 value you’re getting with this section of UGS Pro.

“That is some sage advice. Seriously… This is one of those gems that gives guys like me a big leap forward.”
– Kent Mayberry
“Man, I started playing around with the notes you used and it developed into a whole new song! It's funny where some inspiration can come from.”
– Brannon
“This is so much fun and it really gives it an interesting sound.”
– Whitney Maslak
“WOW, Erich, I have learned so much in the last several weeks. Sure wished you were hanging with me back in the day. I'd be light-years ahead”
– William Damon
“Thank you Erich for all this, it's been such a transformative musical journey so far, can't wait to go on :D”
– Ludwig
Essential Music Theory Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels)
No matter what your current experience level with music theory - you’re going to find these lessons transformative and powerful.
And this is true whether you have zero music theory right now…Or you’ve been studying this for years, here’s why:
First, I’m going to break down the most essential theory concepts into incredibly simple terms that will instantly “click” for you…
Then you’re going to see how you can apply this to the fretboard…
All in a way that empowers you to take any theory knowledge you have (past, present, or future) and connect it to the guitar …
Opening up creative new ideas and allowing you to explore any theory you learn in a fun and exciting way that actually makes you a better musician.
In these lessons we’ll cover:
- How to quickly visualize and understand scales and harmony like you’ve never seen it before (this will blow your mind).
- How to find all the chords on the fretboard for any key without needing a single ounce of music theory (plus the “lightning bolt” pattern to instantly find the three most used chords).
- How you can quickly map out the entire fretboard by using moveable and stationary “springboards”.
- How to instantly find “borrowed chords” on the fretboard to add a unique musical flavor to your playing! (this brilliant songwriting trick has been used on “Creep” by Radiohead, “Hey Ya!” by Outkast, “Hotel California” by The Eagles and many more!)
- How to easily and quickly transpose songs up AND down to different musical keys simply by using a capo (this will save you tons of time and you’ll never have to detune your guitar again).
- And much more!

“Harmony has never been explained to me in such an interesting way. Thanks for the insight, Erich!”
– Jim Salerno
“Fascinating stuff. This has eluded me for years but the way you described it made it easy to understand. Thank you.”
– JDinMiami
“I think I'm going to like theory. I don't know why I've shied away from it for so long.”
– Rich Pineo
“Wish I knew this little secret 30 years ago. Holy cow!”
– Paul Scheirer
“Good thing to master when one of your strings breaks during a gig! Finally I understand why guitarists can play seamlessly when a string breaks”
– Berneer

More Than 40 Fun And Exciting Mini-Courses:
The “Plus” Section
The intermediate plus and advanced plus series will take the essential skills you’ve developed so far…
And build upon them in new and exciting ways…
Allowing you to go deeper on those topics that really ignite your passion for guitar!
And while I can’t even begin to describe all of the courses here in detail, here’s a brief preview of what you’ll discover inside:

Minimalistic Blues
Even if you’ve never played a solo in your life and have zero theory or fretboard knowledge - you’ll learn how to solo musically within a few short hours. We’ll start out by exploring my best “go to'' soloing habits and musical ideas on one tiny section of the neck. Then once you’ve mastered this, you’ll learn a simple hack to instantly move all of your new blues licks up and down the fretboard and across multiple keys!
“Putting a HUGE smile on my face messing around with the same basic ideas over All my instruments, sounds brilliant on bass :). I'm really loving this series of lessons.”
– Dave Mouffatt

Gear and Guitar Tone Masterclasses
Whether you want to get a blues strat tone, that classic rock les paul sound, or anything in between - you’ll learn how to get the exact tone you’re seeking with these lessons! Once you’ve dialed in your amazing new sound you’ll feel more excited to play and this will likely spark a plethora of creative new musical ideas.
“Thanks for doing this series on tone. It's been super informative.”
– Terry Larimer

An In-depth Study On Hendrix Style Double Stops
In these lessons, you’ll learn how to create that iconic Jimi Hendrix sound by infusing double stops into your playing. You’ll discover simple hacks to find them in the pentatonic scale allowing you to easily access this sound anytime you solo or improvise. Plus, as you go through these lessons you’ll add yet another layer to your understanding of chords, scales, and the fretboard!
“Hey Erich a MAJOR lightbulb just went off for me! All the double stops, and thus, the pentatonic scales are built around the CAGED forms. Isn't music astounding?! I'm loving it more each day!”
– Michael Knight
“Another dimension of sound vs. chords and single notes. Thanks for this!”
– Steve Vorndran

How To Breakdown a Guitar Solo
With these lessons, you’ll learn my exact process for breaking down and learning any guitar solo. The exciting thing about this series is that you’ll follow me as I apply this process to “Stairway To Heaven” lick by lick - showing you how you can make any solo feel incredibly easy to play.
So by the end of this course, you’ll have massively shifted your belief in what you can play, have a system for quickly playing any solo on the guitar, and be able to play one of the greatest guitar solos of all time, note perfect.
“Yes! One lick at a time, love that. I am already learning this first lick. You are a motivating force.”
– Bonnie Hess

Games For Fretboard Mastery and Ear Training
In this series, you’ll learn half a dozen engaging games that will help you train your ear while you effortlessly map out the fretboard in a fun way without painful memorization.
“Bingo! This is a course I understand and have been looking for all my life. Thanks a million you’ve just opened my guitar up for me!!”
– David Harris

How To Create Your Own Fingerstyle Arrangements
In these lessons, you’ll see my simple step-by-step process for turning any song into a fingerstyle arrangement. You’ll see this applied from scratch to the song “Kids” by MGMT.
As you follow these lessons you’ll learn how to play this song for yourself while also discovering a “fail-proof” process you can apply to any song you like to create your own arrangements!
“Thank you Erich! That was truly a journey of fun! Now I have another song on my repertoire to polish off. This will also be my go-to meditative is so beautiful and relaxing at the same time!! :)”
– Mary Beth Hempel
And that’s just a small preview of the 40+ mini-courses you’ll get access to with UGS Pro.
So as you go through the program you’ll discover an almost endless number of fun musical adventures to explore!
Although some of these courses could easily sell for $149 or more each…
Even if you said they were worth just $49 (an incredibly conservative estimate)…
Then you’re getting at least $2,000 worth of material here alone.

3 Monthly Livestreams
Although I’ve designed all of this to be simple and unlock fast results - I wanted to go one step further to essentially guarantee your success with this program.
So each month, you’ll get three hours of live Q&A coaching calls with me.
On these private “members only” broadcasts, I’ll answer all of your questions to help you overcome any personal sticking points, break down tricky topics even further…
And with my guitar on hand, I’ll even be able to demonstrate a specific technique in more detail or give you some practical exercises you can use to accelerate your learning.
It would cost $300 for a private guitar lesson with me…
So you’re easily getting that value each month with these three hours of calls.

24/7 Support and Direct Access to Me
You’ll also be able to get my help through the comments section on any of the lessons.
Just leave your question below or send me an email and you’ll get a detailed, personal response from me within 24 to 48 hours to help you level up your skills and understanding.
Between the calls and text support - you’ll find that UGS Pro is less like an online course…
And more like having a veteran teacher become your personal mentor and guide along your entire guitar journey.
Although knowing you can have your questions answered at any time is priceless, that’s easily $99 of value you’re getting with this on-demand support.

Access to the Online Community
When you sign up you’ll also become a part of our 6,487 strong community of passionate guitar and music lovers.
You’ll find it much easier to keep yourself motivated as your new online guitar family encourages you to reach new heights and celebrates each of your wins!
Plus, by seeing others making progress, you’ll feel inspired to practice more so you can reach that next level.
By interacting with the community you’ll also get access to advice and feedback members further along on their journey - giving you even more opportunities to unlock sudden leaps in progress!
Value: Priceless!
The 365 Guitar Plan

If you want to develop next-level techniques while removing overwhelm from the process - this is the perfect resource for you.
I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you by creating a “zero thinking” practice masterplan on my four decades of experience…
All you have to do is follow the fun, daily challenges for 10-15 minutes (or for as long as you’d like).
And with these simple exercises, you’ll cut through the noise and only focus on the 7 most important areas of playing…
While having the flexibility to take days off if life gets in the way and then pick back up where you last left off.
The program is set up so that each weekday is dedicated to a specific area of focus…
For example:
- On Monday we’ll cover alternate picking exercises which will help you increase your playing speed for solos.
- Each Tuesday you’ll improve your hammer-ons and pull-offs for silky smooth legato playing. Because this allows you to play without picking the string - you’ll be able to play even faster with these important techniques.
- On Wednesday we’ll go through economy-picking exercises that will help you effortlessly skip through strings and play at lightning-fast speed up and down the neck.
- Thursdays will be dedicated to finger stretching exercises - so you can play even the most difficult and awkward chords and riffs with ease, even if you have tiny hands.
- Every Friday we will practice scales, modes, and “sequences” - so you get better at improvising guitar solos whilst also expanding your music theory knowledge. With the sequences, you’ll explore new musical ideas through the scales in a way that effortlessly commits them to memory.
- Each Saturday will be focused on octaves, double stops, and triad chords. This will expand your knowledge of the fretboard and give you far more options when improvising solos.
- Finally, every Sunday will be spent exploring fingerpicking patterns - so you can add a new depth and dimension to your playing with interesting fingerstyle techniques.

And here’s what makes the 365 Guitar Plan so incredibly effective:
The program can easily be adjusted to suit your current skill level - so you’ll experience the perfect level of challenge.
Then, each week the exercises will change, so you’ll never get bored with your new practice routine…
And because the exercises are designed to build off of the previous one…
While becoming 5% more challenging each week…
The program will ramp up in a smooth, manageable, and almost unnoticeable way...
So after just a few weeks of stacking up these increases…
You’ll see a surprising boost in skill level in the most important technical areas.
But then at the end of the year…
You’ll notice a mind-blowing difference in your playing that will simply shock both you and your friends and family!
Overall, that’s a $149 value you’re getting with this incredible resource.

“Today I sat down to play and discovered my hands could stretch to cover 5 frets!! Long time coming. Thanks for all the encouragement.”
- Guy Kraemer
“I’ve learned more in 1 year with the 365 Guitar Plan than I did with several years of private instruction.”
- George Kropog
“Thanks for the great course Erich. The daily exercise was exactly what I needed. Not only did this course allow me to improve my skills, it established a habit of learning.”
- David Blair
“Wow. Can’t believe the progress on this 52-week journey! I even feel empowered to jam with my friends, with a suitcase of knowledge! Thanks again Sage!!”
- Guy Kraemer
Here’s Everything You Get
When you sign up for UGS Pro here’s everything you’ll get instant access to today:
- The 365 Guitar Plan - $149
- Essential Beginner Lessons For A Solid Foundation - $199
- Essential Scales Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Chords Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Theory Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Technique Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- 40+ Fun Mini-Courses: Intermediate Plus & Advanced Plus Sections - $2,000
- Three monthly Q&A calls - $300 per month
- Daily Email and Text Support - $99 per month
- Access to A Supportive Online Community - Priceless!
So overall that’s $3,543 worth of material you’re getting with UGS Pro.
That being said…
My mission is to help and impact as many guitar players as possible, so I won’t ask you to pay that.
In fact, I’m not even going to charge you half of that price ($1,726)...
Get Started with your lifetime membership to UGS Pro today for just $685.
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options

Risk Free For 60 Days
The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make On Your Guitar Journey - Guaranteed!
Although you’ve already seen dozens of testimonials from students who are blown away by the value of this program…
You don’t have to take their word for it that this course will be more than worth your investment.
That’s because I’m backing this with a “100% satisfaction” guarantee…
Allowing you to try this risk-free for an entire two months, with the option to get your entire investment back during that time - with NO questions asked.
If at that point you aren’t utterly convinced that this is the best investment you’ve ever made on your guitar journey…
And you aren’t delighted by the sudden leap in progress you’ve seen with your technique, knowledge, and skills on the guitar…
Then just email [email protected] for an immediate and hassle-free refund.
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options
But Wait, There’s More…
Although you’re ALREADY getting $3,543 worth of guitar courses for a one time payment of $685…
I’ll also include some exclusive bonuses as well, including…

My “How To Practice Guitar” Series
One of the biggest things that determine your results with the guitar is how you practice.
And with this series, you’ll get all of my best insights into practice from almost four decades of playing to turbo-charge your results.
Inside these lessons you’ll discover:
- How to practice for a performance VS learning (and why there are a completely different set of rules for each).
- My “inventory breakdown” method for making complex skills and songs easy to learn
- The “looping and chunking” technique for getting massive results
- How to learn and practice a song for faster, smoother, and frustration-free results (you’ll do this step by step with me as we learn “Amazing Grace” together).
And much more!
The best part is that you won’t need your guitar for most of these lessons…
This means you can turn a commute or set of chores into a chance to arm yourself with powerful principles to supercharge your next practice session!
Normally $49, we’re including this for free if you enroll today!

The Phrase Trainer (Looping & Improv Course)
With this course, you’ll learn how to use even the cheapest looper pedal to create amazing-sounding music all by yourself…
But even if you don’t own a looper pedal (yet), you’ll learn a tremendous amount with this course…
Because Nashville studio guitarist Robbie Calvo will be showing you his best tips for creating rhythmic and musical backing tracks from astoundingly simple ideas…
Showing you how to create and stack percussion, bass, and rhythm guitar parts together using your guitar…
Allowing you to learn more about songwriting and how music works in a fun and exciting way!
Finally, you’ll discover how to turn simple scale patterns into emotive, melodic, and memorable solo lines…
Rapidly taking your phrasing and improv to a whole new level.
Valued at $69 this course is included for free if you sign up today.
“I do not own a looper... yet! but everything the instructor has taught on phrasing and improvisation is worth every cent I have paid for this course. His method of simplifying and breaking down parts so methodically has made even a rookie guitarist much better than when I started.”
– Melwyn D.

Master The Blues
With this series, you’ll learn my “secret sauce” blues licks and “go-to” improv ideas which will allow you to instantly upgrade your blues solos.
This will also give you a wealth of creative ideas you can explore - allowing you to find your own unique voice for blues improv in the process.
You’ll also learn essential scale patterns for blues, how to create a perfect guitar tone for blues, how to play blues rhythm guitar, and much more!
This $49 course is included free as part of your limited-time bonuses.
“This is one of your best courses, Erich. I completed this course a couple of years ago and I'm still referring back to it, even now. Every time I take another look I pick up something different. Thanks.”
– Andy Stoddart

The Best Slide Lessons
A guitar slide is perhaps one of the cheapest ways to bring a new array of creative options and sounds to your playing…
And with these lessons, you’ll learn the most essential lessons, techniques, licks, and more from Nashville guitarist, R.J. Ronquillo.
R.J. is a studio musician who has played with the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ricky Martin, Stone Sour, Santana, and 2Pac…
And with these essential lessons, R.J. will take you from “zero to hero” on the slide guitar in record time…
Instantly giving you a ton of exciting new tools and ideas for songwriting, improvisation, and more!
Valued at $49 - it’s included for free when you sign up today.
“Thank you so much for this course. It helped me to step into the world of slide playing. I consider myself a beginner guitarist (campfire guitar knowledge) and this course took my guitar playing not only to the next level but beyond!”
– Thomas S.

How To Play Fingerstyle Guitar
With fingerstyle guitar you can have the entire sound of a band at your fingertips.
By picking with all five fingers you’ll learn how to seamlessly weave bass lines, percussion parts, chords, and melodies together in perfect harmony.
Although this will seem incredibly impressive to those you perform fingerstyle arrangements for…
Only you and I will know the truth - that with the right instruction this is MUCH easier to do than it seems :)
With these lessons you’ll start off with beginner-friendly basics, working your way up to more advanced and impressive techniques that will last you a lifetime!
Normally $59 - you’ll get free access if you sign up today!
“I was able to teach myself the intro to ‘Dust in the Wind’ using this style of fingerpicking. What an incredible feeling to finally have conquered what seemed like the impossible. I still have a ways to go to perfect it but it and speed it up but it sounds good. Brings me such joy to learn to play and learn to play well. So much joy Erich!! Thank you”
– Dana Simone
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options

What You’ll Get Today:
UGS Pro Plus The Exclusive Bonus Stack
So now let’s take one more look at everything you’ll get when you sign up today:
- The 365 Guitar Plan - $149
- Essential Beginner Lessons For A Solid Foundation - $199
- Essential Scales Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Chords Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Theory Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- Essential Technique Lessons (Intermediate & Advanced Levels) - $199
- 40+ Fun Mini-Courses: Intermediate Plus & Advanced Plus Sections - $2,000
- Three monthly Q&A calls - $300 per month
- Daily Email and Text Support - $99 per month
- Access to A Supportive Online Community - Priceless!
- Bonus #1: How To Practice Guitar - $49
- Bonus #2: The Phrase Trainer (Looper Pedal + Improv Course) - $69
- Bonus #3 - Master The Blues - $49
- Bonus #4 - The Best Slide Lessons - $49
- Bonus #5 - How To Play Fingerstyle Guitar - $59
So now with over $275 worth of bonuses…
Even without the thousands of dollars of material already included…
Getting all of this for just $685 is a complete “no brainer” investment for the serious guitar player.
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options

I’ll Leave You With This…
You may never see an offer like this again.
Because with UGS Pro you’re going to get everything you need for the rest of your guitar-playing journey.
You’ll have access to $3,543 worth of lessons and resources…
Which completely removes the overwhelm from becoming a pro-level player who can do it all…
Because with as little as 15 minutes per day with my 365 Guitar Plan you’ll be upgrading your technique, skills, and knowledge in the 7 most important areas…
Or simply by watching and applying a quick 5-10 minute lesson each day from inside UGS Pro…
(Many of which can be listened to during your commute or as you go about your day)
You can discover the most powerful insights and lessons I’ve collected from over 39 years of playing guitar and teaching hundreds of thousands of students…
Designed to help you make rapid breakthroughs in your understanding, quickly equip you with fun new skills, and supercharge your progress with the guitar.
And you can try all of this completely risk-free for 60 days…
Giving you two entire months to see if this program really is as great as the dozens of testimonials on this page are saying it is.
So do yourself a favor…
Don’t miss this chance to get the only resource you’ll ever need.
Choose Monthly, Yearly, or Lifetime Membership Options