These 2 Techniques Cure All Your Chord Transitioning Troubles

chord transitions Oct 30, 2023


If you're a newbie or an intermediate guitarist struggling to smoothly transition between chords, you're in the right place. As a guitar teacher with years of experience, I've witnessed countless students grappling with this challenge. The frustration is real, but fear not! In this blog post, I'm going to share a simple yet highly effective mental practice routine that can transform your chord transitioning skills. Whether you're strumming your first chords or have some experience under your belt, mastering this technique will significantly boost your guitar playing abilities.

The Problem: Chord Transitioning

One of the most common issues guitarists face, especially beginners, is the difficulty in moving between chords quickly. You might have learned the chords themselves fairly easily, but putting them together seamlessly can feel like an insurmountable task. If you're nodding your head in agreement, don't worry; you're not alone. This challenge has plagued guitarists throughout history.

The Solution: A Mental Practice Routine

The key to improving your chord transitions lies in developing a specific mental practice routine. It's a small routine that requires intense focus, much like meditation. Spend just five minutes a day on this technique, and I promise you'll see remarkable progress. I've used this method with a hundred percent success among my students, and it's a cornerstone of my teaching philosophy. So, let's dive into it.

Visualizing Chord Transitions

To illustrate this technique, let's use the example of transitioning between G, A7, B7, C, and D chords in the song "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown." Here's how to approach it:

1. Focus on One Chord at a Time: When you're on one chord, let's say the G chord, your only task is to think about the next chord, in this case, A7. Don't move your hand or strum; just think about the A7 chord.

2. Mental Visualization: Imagine the shape of the A7 chord in your mind's eye. Picture how your fingers will form the chord. This mental visualization is crucial. It prepares your brain for the upcoming transition.

3. Gradual Movement: Now, move from the G chord to the A7 chord. If you're a beginner, you can start by moving one finger at a time. The key is accuracy, not speed. As you practice, you'll naturally become faster.

4. Practice Back and Forth: Initially, practice going back and forth between two chords. For example, G to A7 and back to G. This will help you build accuracy in transitioning. Don't forget to visualize that G chord BEFORE you get to it as well.

Anticipating the Chord Change

Apart from visualization, anticipation is essential for smooth chord transitions. Here's how to incorporate it:

1. Counting and Anticipation: As you practice transitioning between chords, count the beats. In "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown," if the chord change happens on the first beat of a measure, you'll have a four-beat count to prepare. Use this time to visualize/anticipate the next chord mentally.

2. Jump on the One: When the chord change arrives (usually on the first beat of a new measure), ensure you hit the new chord precisely on the "one." This is crucial for maintaining the rhythm and musicality of your playing.

3. Progressive Speed: Once you can smoothly transition between chords at a slower tempo, gradually increase the speed. Start with two measures per chord change, then one measure, and eventually aim for seamless transitions at the original tempo.


Mastering chord transitions on the guitar requires patience, practice, and a well-structured approach. By implementing the mental practice routine I've outlined in this blog post, you'll experience significant improvements in your chord transitioning abilities. Remember, even the most accomplished guitarists had to go through this learning curve. So, stay focused, visualize your chords, and anticipate the changes. With consistent practice, you'll be strumming and transitioning between chords effortlessly in no time. Keep playing, keep practicing, and enjoy your musical journey!



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