Pick Control Exercise - String Picking Guitar Lesson

practice Apr 23, 2024

Greetings fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, I want to dive into a crucial aspect of playing that often doesn't receive the attention it deserves—pick control. Specifically, we'll be focusing on the right hand and how honing this skill can significantly enhance your overall playing. It's a technique that has worked wonders for my students, and I'm excited to share a super-simple yet highly effective exercise that will ninja-fy your right hand when it comes to picking.

The Importance of Pick Control

Before we delve into the exercise, let's emphasize why pick control is a game-changer. Many players tend to overlook or underestimate the significance of refining their picking technique. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced guitarist, the right hand plays a pivotal role in producing clear, articulate notes. Even if your left hand is mastering intricate fretwork, an uncontrolled right hand can diminish the overall quality of your playing.

The Neglected Technique

Sadly, pick control is a technique that often falls through the cracks. Many guitar teachers may not prioritize it, leaving students with a lopsided focus on fretting hand techniques. However, as we'll explore, both hands need to work seamlessly together for a guitarist to reach their full potential. When your right hand is doing its job efficiently, it harmonizes with your left hand, bringing out the best in your playing, regardless of the fretting intricacies.

The Ninja Pick Control Exercise

Now, let's jump into the heart of the matter—a ninja-fying exercise that targets pick control and string skipping. This exercise not only challenges your right hand but also enhances fretting hand control. It's a dynamic workout that pushes you beyond your comfort zone, fostering strength and dexterity in both hands.

1. Starting on the High E String:

   - Pick the third and fourth frets with fingers 3 & 4 with a down-up motion.

2. String Skipping Pattern:

   - Skip to the third string and repeat the down-up picking pattern.

   - Move to the second string, then back to the third, creating a continuous string-skipping flow.

3. Expand the Exercise:

   - Continue this pattern, moving down the strings: fourth string, third string, fifth string, fourth string, and sixth string.

4. Reverse the Pattern:

   - Once you reach the sixth string, work your way back up, maintaining the string-skipping sequence.

The Benefits of String Skipping

String skipping introduces a layer of complexity to your practice routine, making it an excellent workout for both hands. This exercise challenges your right hand to stay in sync with your left hand while navigating the fretboard. The alternating down-up picking pattern combined with string skipping enhances your overall pick control, agility, and coordination.

Tips for Success

As you embark on this exercise journey, here are a few tips to ensure a fruitful practice session:

1. Consistency is Key: Regularly incorporate this exercise into your practice routine to build lasting strength and control.

2. Mix with Music: While exercises are essential, don't neglect the joy of playing music. Strike a balance between technical drills and playing songs that bring you fulfillment.

3. Feel the Challenge: Embrace the challenge. You might find this exercise initially challenging, but that's the point. It's designed to push your boundaries and foster growth.

4. Listen to Your Hands: Pay attention to the feedback your hands provide. Feel the strings under your fingers and adjust your technique accordingly.


In conclusion, pick control is an invaluable skill that can elevate your playing to new heights. The ninja pick control exercise we've explored today serves as a powerful tool to refine your right-hand technique while incorporating string skipping for an added layer of complexity. Remember, a well-rounded guitarist embraces both technical exercises and the joy of making music. So, grab your guitar, embark on this exercise adventure, and witness the transformation in your playing. Happy picking!


Want more help with picking? CLICK HERE


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