7 Guitar Hacks All Guitarists Should Know

tricks and hacks Jan 19, 2024


In my four decades of playing and teaching guitar, I've encountered numerous techniques and strategies that have proven to be invaluable for guitarists of all skill levels. These seven powerful guitar hacks are essential tools in a guitarist's arsenal, providing a deeper understanding of the instrument and enhancing your playing abilities. In this blog post, I'll delve into each hack and explain why they are crucial for any guitarist's journey.

1. The CAGED System: Unlocking the Fretboard

The CAGED System is a game-changer for guitarists looking to expand their chord-playing capabilities. By taking the five basic major chord shapes of C, A, G, E, and D, and learning to play them up and down the neck, you gain the flexibility to play the same chord in various positions quickly. This knowledge becomes indispensable for capoing the guitar, exploring different chord structures, and playing multiple guitar parts in different voicings.

2. Springboards: Navigating the Fretboard with Precision

Understanding fretboard springboards involves identifying key notes on the neck that serve as reference points, allowing you to "springboard" into different musical ideas. Knowing the names of open strings and their locations on the 12th fret, coupled with tuning techniques like the fifth fret method, empowers you to quickly determine note locations and enhances your overall fretboard navigation.

3. Adjacent String Trick: Expanding Your Musical Palette

The adjacent string trick involves leveraging octaves and understanding that whatever you play on specific pairs of strings, you can replicate on others. This concept applies to strings one and two, three and four, and five and six. Mastering this trick broadens your musical palette, enabling you to create seamless transitions and gain a unique perspective on the guitar neck.

4. Zig Zag Method: Mapping Out Chords in Every Key

The zigzag method simplifies the process of finding the essential 1-4-5 chords in any key. By identifying the one, four, and five chords on the sixth string, you can easily locate these crucial chords in different positions. This not only helps you play popular chord progressions but also serves as a springboard to explore other musical possibilities within a given key.

5. Major Scale/Number System: Understanding Diatonic Harmony

Mastery of the major scale and its relationship to diatonic harmony is fundamental for any guitarist. Beyond playing the major scale, understanding the chord progression associated with each scale step provides insight into diatonic harmony. This knowledge is applicable across various genres like blues, rock, jazz, and country, making it a versatile tool for transcribing songs and creating your compositions.

6. Finding the Tonic: Unlocking the Key of a Song

The ability to quickly identify the tonic or key of a song is akin to being a musical detective. Recognizing patterns such as the first and last chords, the last note of a chorus, and the absence of sharps or flats guides you toward determining the key. This skill is vital for playing by ear, transcribing songs, and understanding the underlying structure of musical pieces.

7. Bar Chords: Versatility Beyond the Open Position

Bar chords are a guitarist's passport to versatility. Understanding how to play major, minor, seventh, and sixth chords in bar chord form allows you to transpose any chord up and down the fretboard. This knowledge is essential for playing in different keys and positions, offering a new dimension to your playing beyond the limitations of the open position.


In conclusion, these seven powerful guitar hacks provide a comprehensive toolkit for guitarists seeking to enhance their skills and deepen their understanding of the instrument. From unlocking the fretboard with the CAGED System to mastering the art of finding the tonic, incorporating these hacks into your practice routine will undoubtedly elevate your playing to new heights. For a more detailed exploration of each hack, check out the description of this video or follow the provided links for in-depth tutorials. Happy playing!


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