5 Things You MUST Know That Your Guitar Teacher Never Told You

beginner tricks and hacks Feb 06, 2024

Playing the guitar is an exhilarating journey that comes with its fair share of challenges. Whether you're a beginner or have been strumming for a while, there are certain truths that your guitar teacher might not have shared with you. In this blog post, we'll delve into the five essential things that every aspiring guitarist should know. These insights go beyond the technicalities of playing the instrument and delve into the psychology and perseverance required to become an exceptional player.

1. Everybody Sucks at the Beginning

Let's get one thing straight – everyone sucks when they start playing the guitar. From legendary guitarists like Jimi Hendrix to modern virtuosos like Eddie Van Halen, every great player had a humble beginning where they struggled to produce a coherent sound. The key here is to remove the notion of "sucking" from your vocabulary. It's not that you lack talent; it's simply a matter of practice. Embrace the fact that improvement comes with time and consistent effort. If you want to be an excellent player, practice with excellence. The journey to mastery begins with acknowledging that everyone starts from square one.

2. Embrace the Pain: Your Fingertips Will Hurt

Playing the guitar involves a physical yet manageable toll on your fingers and hands. The clamping motion required for fretting and playing chords will undoubtedly lead to soreness. This discomfort is entirely normal and is a rite of passage for every guitarist. Rather than letting it discourage you, see it as a sign of progress. Overcoming this initial pain is part of the learning process. So, the next time your fingers ache, remember that it's a temporary phase, and the more you play, the tougher your fingertips will become.

3. Frustration Is Part of the Game

Guitar playing is not the easiest skill to acquire. Unlike some other instruments, it demands a unique set of skills, including finger coordination and fretting techniques. Understand that frustration is part of the learning curve. It's okay to face challenges; in fact, it's expected. Don't let frustration be a roadblock; instead, view it as an opportunity to grow. Take a step-by-step approach to learning, and find a method that suits your pace. A structured learning path can significantly reduce frustration by breaking down the learning process into manageable steps.

4. The Urge to Quit Will Surface

Just like any dedicated pursuit, learning the guitar requires commitment. There will be moments when you feel like throwing in the towel, especially during times of frustration. It's crucial to recognize that this urge to quit is a natural part of the process. Ignore that voice, immerse yourself in the wealth of resources available, and remind yourself why you started playing in the first place. Whether it's the joy of creating music or the satisfaction of mastering a challenging riff, finding your motivation will help you push through the moments of doubt.

5. You Can Achieve Anything with the Right Approach

The most empowering truth of all is that you can achieve anything you want on the guitar. This isn't a casual statement – it's a belief grounded in the countless success stories of students who transformed from novices to extraordinary players. The key ingredients are the right resources, a proven method of instruction, and, most importantly, consistent practice. You are not bound to remain at your current skill level; improvement is inevitable with the right guidance and dedication.

In conclusion, playing the guitar is a journey that involves overcoming challenges, embracing discomfort, and persisting through frustration. Every great guitarist started with the same uncertainties and difficulties. The path to mastery is paved with practice, determination, and a positive mindset. So, keep strumming, keep learning, and remember that the joy of playing the guitar lies in the journey itself.


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